Thursday, January 20, 2011

What We Eat

When I tell people I'm a dietitian, I always find it fascinating to hear the questions people immediately start asking... especially about what I feed my kids. I think parents are often overwhelmed and give in to the few tried and true favorites their kids will actually eat. The endless battle wears on parents over time and its easier to just do plain pasta or chicken fingers every night. I'll tell you first that if you start early, it doesn't have to be that way. Any if you're already in that jam, its not as hard as you think to change! Over time I'll give you some pointers of first what to feed your kids from day 1, or I guess, day 182 when your baby starts eating solids, and also some tips of what to do if you've already got yourself a picky eater.

But for now, I'll show you what we ate last night...

I didn't have much time, so I used some of my favs in the fridge from Trader Joes:

Polenta with bruschetta topping
Boiled Fingerling potatoes with a little real organic butter and salt
Red "Greens" with olive oil and lemon

And yes, both my kids eat this type of food.

I sliced and pan fried the polenta in olive oil:

Then I added the bruschetta topping:

Max tried to "help"...

Toppings for the greens (can be put on any kale, collard green etc...) I had pre-boiled the greens for 20 minutes earlier in the day and just microwaved them to warm. 

Final plate:

So in full disclosure...

Annie ate all of the greens and potatoes, but only had one bite of the polenta.
I chopped up the same the same thing for Max in small pieces (it was all soft enough for him). He was super tired and crabby and only ate some of the polenta. 

BUT- I did not offer either of them anything else other than those 3 choices and milk. They get it... what's on their plate is what's for dinner. AND Oscar and I ate exactly the same thing. 

It was delish and easy to do!


  1. I'm going to try this one Kelley. Please keep posting recipes so I can get ideas for Alex.

  2. Love this Kel! I have one super picky eater and one who is pretty willing to try stuff. Love new recipe ideas because I'm not good at making up my own stuff. :) You rock!! Thanks for taking care of the rest of us!

  3. You've got a new subscriber in me! And I'm totally with you on the "eat what's on your plate" philosophy. Even if they're not up for everything served, It's amazing what they find themselves trying.

  4. I've been trying so hard with you eat what's on your plate but many many times, Max just refuses. What to do? Send him to bed hungry? I do, but I hate doing it. Any advice?

  5. Melissa- in short. yes- you're doing the right thing. Annie has gone to bed with no dinner many times. We wont try something new for days in a row and torture the poor girl, but I know she's not starving by missing dinner here and there. She makes up for it with breakfast/ lunch the next day!

  6. Tried this recipe and loved it! Any suggestions on good farmers markets in the area come spring/summer??
